It's that KillerCon Convention time of year again and there's no better way to kick it off than on my birthday! For those of you who are attending, there are a few things you should know. The daytime temperatures have been averaging in the upper 90's, but don't let this fool you. Most of the time you will be indoors and casino temperatures average in the mid 60's. This is to help keep the patrons awake so they can continue gambling. Wouldn't want anyone getting too warm and cozy then wanting to go to sleep. Rest is forbidden, so it's a good idea to bring along your favorite sweater, sweatjacket, or a light blazer.
This is the desert. It's very dry here and higher in altitude than a lot of people think. Many visitors (and locals) suffer from headaches because they don't drink enough water. You should be drinking at least 10 glasses a day, and even more if you are drinking alcohol.

If you are renting a car, BE CAREFUL! The drivers in Vegas are notoriously horrible in their own right, but add a bunch of tourists and the roads around the strip become a free-for-all. There have been more pedestrians hit here since January then all of last year combined. You also have to keep a lookout for drunk drivers. Since this is a 24hr nonstop city, they're driving around at ALL times of the day. Yesterday, a drunk driver hit a bus stop killing four people and sent eight others to the hospital. It was horrific.

Another important issue are shoes. Everybody likes to dress up in Vegas and it's perfectly fine to wear those five-inch spiked heels for a couple of hours, but during the day, during the convention, you'll want your most comfortable pair of shoes. A lot of walking is involved. These hotel/casinos are huge. For the ladies, it's time to pack that dress that's a little too short, a little too tight and way too revealing. And if it sparkles, all the better! It's Vegas! You will blend in with all the librarians from Iowa and accountants from Arkansas who come here to PLAY! I look forward to seeing everyone.
This morning, I had my first ever phone interview on blogspotradio with Frankie Hernandez and David-Matthew Barnes. Please tune in and give it a listen.
Yeah, I mention
The Lovely Bones, but many of my lady friends read it who otherwise wouldn't have read anything that was considered "horror." I actually thought it was good too, until about halfway through when it "jumped the shark."

I've read a lot since my last post which was a while ago - Gord Rollo's,
The Dark Side of Heaven, was a great read. About a third of the way through it really picked up and I couldn't put it down. I finished
Enter Night, by Michael Rowe which was also an excellent read. Laird Barron's,
The Croning, which was a take on tales with a twist, I enjoyed. I've also been doing some research on Jack the Ripper and have read a few books on the history of the Whitechapel murders. I'm currently reading,
American Idol, by S.C. Hayden which is a religious satire and a little bit out of the norm from what I normally read, but with what's been going on in world news lately, I'm finding it very poignant and enjoying it. I finished Gene O'Neill's,
Blue Heron. More mystery and espionage, it was a great read. One of the books I really enjoyed was
A Requiem for Dead Flies, by Peter Dudar about a haunted farmhouse and a crazy grandma. I highly recommend it, which brings me to my next bit.

Nightscape Press is offering its recent releases on Kindle this weekend for FREE! You'd be crazy not to jump on the offer. Click the books below to go to Amazon and get your FREE Kindle downloads.