Chinese New Year ended yesterday for those two week celebration folks. I prefer to celebrate on the first and the last day with lots of good food and family, without too much work and no house cleaning in between. Never works out that way, though, and it was also Valentine's Day yesterday, so when people would mention how dressed up I was in red for Valentine's Day, I'd just nod and smile.

The horse year has never been good for me, so I don't expect much of things. I'm going to try very hard not to get excited over ventures I've got in the works, that's how strongly I feel about the bleepin' horse year. I did, however, purchase as many blue cicada type objects that I could find, in an attempt to have some balance. (Not real blue cicadas, mind you, although I did see some real cicada wing pendants. Maybe if I get desperate...) Yes, I'm a little bit culturally superstitious.

It's also been Women in Horror Month (
WiHM 2013) and I've written some posts about women horror authors, did an
interview or two, had some kind
reviewers post my work on their blogs, and did a fun podcast with the great crew over at
The Bourbon Lounge with
Kate Jonez and
S.P. Miskowski. I even made it onto S.L. Schmitz's list of "92 Female Horror Authors You Must Read Right Now" on I've enjoyed reading all the great articles and posts on their website and Facebook page, even retweeting a few. If you're up for making a donation for a good cause to keep the organization going, (they even have a blood drive,) click

I read some great books last year, finishing up with
K. Trap Jones's Fiction Collection
The Crossroads and
Michael Rowe's latest novel
Wild Fell. Both great reads, I highly recommend. I'm kicking this year off with some awesome reads as well. Besides waiting for a bunch of pre-ordered books out soon, I'm enjoying
Little Visible Delight edited by Kate Jonez and S.P. Miskowski, and
Mercedes M. Murdock Yardley's debut novel. Click on the amazing book covers to purchase.
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