Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fat Tuesday

As I posted on my Facebook wall--- "It's Fat Tuesday Bedelia, and I WANT MY King CAKE!" It's one of those favorite lines from a movie that I still use today. The movie/graphic novel was Creepshow, by Stephen King. When I was around eleven or twelve years old (not all that long ago, HA!) it was one of the movies my family watched together when you were able to rent a VCR for the weekend and a bunch of movies. My parents were on a horror movie kick so most of the movies we watched were in that genre. Although my parents no longer enjoy watching horror movies, they sparked my love for it and I haven't stopped watching/loving them since. I think watching horror movies makes me feel like there are worse situations I could be in and that's what draws me to them. Then I think about movies or shows I've seen and books I've read and think, hmm...what if this happened instead? and the characters were switched around? and they were in a big city? And that's how some of my ideas for novels come to life.

I recently read an unpublished novel by friend and colleague, JG Faherty that I enjoyed a lot despite the fact I didn't think I would, only because the topic matter was something I wouldn't normally choose to read about. But it was no surprise I enjoyed it considering his YA novel, The Ghosts of Coronado Bay is nominated for a Bram Stoker Award in the YA/Horror category. Here is the link to the full list of final nominees. http://www.horror.org/ A big congratulations to all of them. JG Faherty also has a book out that I've recently preordered titled, The Cold Spot from Darkfuse Publications. I'm looking forward to reading it. http://www.darkfuse.com/the-cold-spot-by-jg-faherty.html

I'm also in the process of reading Lee Thomas', The German, which I will blurb about when I'm done. It's also a Bram Stoker Award nominee and has really good reviews posted everywhere.

In fashion news, (my other love), NY Fashion Week ended a few days ago and I've been busy shopping the sales from previous seasons/years. One item that stood out for this season were these cool Prada shoes that seemed so unlike the brand. (Their spring/summer purse line was very unimpressive.) But these shoes! They're like Batman shoes, and a couple of them even come equipped with rocket boosters in the back. Although Italian-made shoes don't fit my big American feet so well, I'd almost consider the torture of wearing them for a few hours.

Thursday, February 9, 2012



"Bowel-shaking earthquakes of doubt and remorse..."

Today this old CAKE song pretty much sums up how I'm feeling. It doesn't matter how many times I go over a piece of my work, there's always that feeling of I'm not so sure it's all that good milling around. Don't know if there's anyway to get over that, but tomorrow I'm leaving the house, maybe catch a movie. Then it's time to get back to work on my next novel, a fantasy/horror/romance (but not really, because the lovers die) story that was a lot of fun to write when I started it over a year ago. It needs a lot of work, but the different will be a good change for me, I hope.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New Website's DONE (for now)

YAY! I'm SO glad my website is done. And thank you to the host site for making it fairly easy. It only took me two and a half days. I just wish there was a quicker way to download photos. All of this came about by a recommendation from a friend/fellow author, Lincoln Crisler. He essentially told me it needed some work like, "just make a new one." I'm sure he said it more directly, however ;-) Here's some thanks to him for getting me started on it. http://lincolncrisler.info/  Check him out, he's got some great stuff in the works.

Alas! It is a cloudy day today in Vegas. Very rare, and good working weather for me, but since I've been stuck in the house for the last few days working on the website, I'm heading out to do some fun stuff.

Monday, February 6, 2012

New Year, New Stuff

Yes, it's been nearly a year, or over a year since I've blogged, but I was busy. Not only did I move back to Las Vegas, I finally finished editing my novel and have it out for submission. I also finished a short story that will soon be published in Horror For Good: A Charitable Anthology. YAY! This will be my first published piece of work.

I will be at the World Horror Convention 2012, in Salt Lake City, Utah from March 29 thru April 1. Very much looking forward to it, visiting with old friends, and making new ones.

I'm also revamping my website with a little help from a friend. http://renamasonwrites.com Hope to be keeping this blog up to date as well.